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Rental Agreement

Short Term Rental Agreement for a Room in a Shared House


This Rental Agreement is between the Agent, Essential Management Ltd, 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH and the Guest named below is the signature section of this Agreement.



  • ‘Agreement’ refers to this legally binding document entered into by and between the Agent and the Guest, outlining the terms, conditions, and responsibilities associated with the short-term rental of a room in the shared house. This document governs the rights and obligations of both parties, including but not limited to the duration of the stay, total price and any other relevant provisions. By executing this Agreement, both the Agent and Guest acknowledge and accept the terms outlined herein, creating a contractual relationship for the specified period of occupancy.

  • ‘Agent’ refers to the individual or entity acting on behalf of the property owner or manager, responsible for facilitating the short-term rental agreement, managing communication between the parties, and ensuring compliance with the terms ofthis agreement.

  • ‘Guest’ refers to the individual or individuals who will be staying in the room within the shared house for the specified duration of the agreement as detailed on the Confirmation Invoice.

  • ‘Property’ refers to the shared house specified in the Confirmation Invoice including the rented room and common areas. It encompasses all relevant amenities, furnishings, and utilities associated with the shared house as described in theagreement.

  • ‘Duration’ pertains to the specific period for which the short-term rental agreement is in effect. It includes the check-in and check-out dates during which the guest is entitled to stay in the room. The Duration is outlined in the Confirmation Invoice and may be subject to extension or modification as agreed upon by the parties.

  • ‘Total Price’ represents the cost paid by the Guest for the room inclusive of utility bills & taxes for the fixed period.

  • ‘Total Number of Guests’ refers to the maximum allowable number of individuals, including the primary Guest, who mayoccupy the rented room during the specified duration detailed on the Confirmation Invoice. The agreed-upon limit is set toensure compliance with safety regulations, maintain the property's capacity, and adhere to local housing regulations. Exceeding the designated limit may result in additional charges or other consequences as outlined in this agreement.


It is agreed that:

  • The Agent grants access to the Property for the Duration mentioned in the reservation summary of the Confirmation Invoice byway of ‘check in date’ and ‘check out date’.

  • The payment, referred to as Accommodation Total’ in the reservation summary of the Confirmation Invoice is to be paid by theGuest on or before the check in date.

  • The Guest is using the property for short term accommodation for stays up to 90 days, unless prior approval for a longer stay isagreed.


The responsibilities of the Agent are:

  • Be responsible for managing the booking process, including providing accurate information about the property,availability, and booking procedures.

  • Be the primary point of contact for the Guest throughout the duration of the stay.

  • Be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the Pro


  • Ensure the gas heating system installed in the Property is maintained and repaired and a current Gas SafetyCertificate is held.

  • Ensure the property has an EICR dated in the last 5 years to maintain the electrical safety of the property

  • Follow up on maintenance requests reported by the Guest

  • To pay for the utility costs associated with the property including Gas, Electric, Water and Council Tax unlessagreed in writing with the Guest otherwise.

  • To provide a cleaning service once per week for the common areas


The responsibilities of the Guest are:

  • Not to use the Property to accommodate more than the Total Number of Guests detailed in the accommodation sectionof the Confirmation Invoice. No overnight guests are allowed. Not to use the Property for business or trade purposes.

  • To keep fire exits clear from personal belongings and to keep the property free from high energy usage electrical items& fire risk items such as electric heaters and cooking equipment in the bedrooms which are strictly prohibited. TheProperty Is strictly No Smoking.

  • To take the external refuse bin to the collection point when due and not to allow rubbish to accumulate in the kitchen, front yardor rear garden.

  • To accept responsibility for cleaning of shared areas after use, including the kitchen and bathroom

  • Immediately as it becomes aware, notify the Landlord of the need for repair or maintenance of the Property and maintain the property in the exact same condition it was found, this applies to both private room and communal areas.

  • Reply to requests for a virtual room check, once every 60 days.

  • Not to tamper with, cover or remove the fire detection inside the room or the communal areas and to test the smoke alarm in the room monthly. The Guest must report any signs of the smoke alarm not working to the Agent immediately.

  • Be familiar with the evacuation route of the property in the event of a fire and notify the Agent if they have any concernsregarding their ability to evacuate

  • Not to remove or damage from the property any items that do not belonging to the Guest

  • Not to engage in any illegal or anti-social behaviour and to follow the house rules as outlined in the singed Townhouse ArrivalCheck List



  • The Guest is responsible to pay the Agent The Total Price on or before the check in date.

  • The guest is responsible for the payment of Townhouse Cover which is refundable on check out subject to a postdeparture check to ensure the property remains in the same condition It was first found. This is not a protected deposit.

  • The guest is liable for penalties & charges as per the signed Townhouse Arrival Checklist should any breaches occur.


Communication & Disputes

  • The Guest will communicate with the Agent via WhatsApp chat on 01782971961 or via email to . The Agent will communicate using the telephone number and email addresssupplied by the Guest



  • This agreement is a Non-Housing Act Agreement. It is assumed this is not your main residence and the property is beingused for a short stay up to 90 days.

  • The Guest should inform the agent that they wish to renew this Agreement for another fixed period which shall not be unreasonable declined.

  • After staying at the Property for 90 days, the Guest can apply for a Housing Act Tenancy Agreement for stays from 3-12 monthsand such request shall not be unreasonably declined by the Agent.


Termination & Forfeiture

  • This Agreement shall run for the Duration detailed in the Confirmation Invoice. `The agreement will terminate automatically on the check out date at which point the Guest will choose to renew the agreement or vacate the room. If vacant possession is not provided on the check-out date, the Guest will continue to pay the Total Price until vacantpossession is provided.

  • On check-out, the Guest shall follow the Check Out Policy provided by the Agent. Costs associated with a Guest breach will be assessed and may be deducted from the Townhouse Cover payment

  • In the event the Agent or Guest breaches this Agreement due to non-payment, or any other clause, which is not thenremedied within 14 days, the Agreement will terminate with immediate effect.


Governing Law

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputesarising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England andWales.



I confirm I have read and agree to the above terms of this Agreement. I also confirm by signing this Agreement I havereceived a copy of the Townhouse Arrival Checklist, Gas Certificate, Electrical Certificate, EPC & How To Rent Guide forthe Property.

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